Based on the remarkable true story of Heinz Geiringer – neighbor and friend of Anne Frank – we follow the story of a young artist and loving brother living in unconscionable circumstances. A trained musician at only 15 years old and now forced to live in hiding and silence, Heinz turns to painting and poetry to express his everyday terror but also his faith in a brighter future. Through Heinz’s inspired paintings, nostalgic love of life, and his sister Eva’s remembrances, we are shown how art is part of our collective humanity and its power to help us cope, heal, and offer hope.
Performances are recommended for ages 10 and up.
Run time: 40 minutes plus a post-show talkback l Read the show program
Supported in part by Lesbians for Good of Horizons Foundation, The Libitzky Family Foundation Fund, LSP Family Foundation, and the generosity of NCTC’s individual donors.
Click on the calendar to book a public performance for My Brother’s Gift.
Click HERE to book a school matinee performance Oct 1-24 (Tue-Thur at 10am and 11:30am)
Playwright Claudia Inglis Haas (pronouns: she/her) has worked as a playwright, director, actor and teacher of theatre. She has created theatre in schools (including their gymnasiums and cafeterias), caves, nature centers and libraries. Theatre is everywhere. Claudia has fifty published plays which have seen over 1500 productions in every state in the U.S.A. as well as on five continents (Still looking for South American and Antarctica.) Her plays have been popular in the high school one-act play festival competitions and the ten-minute plays are used regularly for forensics.
Creative Team
Stage Manager: Liam Kirk (pronouns: he/him)
Lighting Designer: Nic Candito (pronouns: he/him)
Sound Designer: Kaitlin Rosen (pronouns: she/her)
Costume Designer: Anthony Lopez (pronouns: he/him)
Executive Producers: Andrew Nance & Jim Maloney, Anonymous, Ted Tucker
Producers: Norman Abramson, Elliott Joseph